Yes, now you’ll be able to download just like premium user even with your Free Account. Wich means you can use download accelerators, resuming download and manymore…All you need is just Firefox browser, Free Account on Megaupload, and Megakey Tool.
Megakey is your access to FREE PREMIUM SERVICE and UNLIMITED MEGA SITES. It comes with a lot of great features, easy to use and lightning fast. Megakey uses almost no resources on your computer and is no harm to you at all. If you don’t like Megakey, you can uninstall it easily and completely, anytime.
Now, I’m gonna tell you how to use Megakey :
- You’ll need Firefox, Megaupload Account and Megakey
- Log in to your account, then close your browser
- Install Megakey, then a new icon will shown at icon tray
- Right-click on the new icon, then choose Megakey Benefits
Check all the box, then hit OK
- Now, open your Firefox then try download from Megaupload. You’ll see “PREMIUM LINK” to download the file
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